Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Zaman Kontemporer

Zaman ini bermula dari abad 20 M dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini. Zaman ini ditandai dengan adanya teknologi-teknologi canggih, dan spesialisasi ilmu-ilmu yang semakin tajam dan mendalam. Pada zaman ini bidang fisika menempati kedudukan paling tinggi dan banyak dibicarakan oleh para filsuf. Hal ini disebabkan karena fisika dipandang sebagai dasar ilmu pengetahuan yang subjek materinya mengandung unsur-unsur fundamental yang membentuk alam semesta.

Sebagian besar aplikasi ilmu dan teknologi di abad 21 merupakan hasil penemuan mutakhir di abad 20. Pada zaman ini, ilmuwan yang menonjol dan banyak dibicarakan adalah fisikawan. Bidang fisika menjadi titik pusat perkembangan ilmu pada masa ini. Menurut Tim Dosen Filsafat Ilmu UGM (2001: 83), fisikawan yang paling terkenal pada abad ke-20 adalah Albert Einstein. Ia lahir pada tanggal 14 Maret 1879 dan meninggal pada tanggal 18 April 1955 (umur 76 tahun). Alberth Einstein adalah seorang ilmuwan fisika. Dia mengemukakan teori relativitas dan juga banyak menyumbang bagi pengembangan mekanika kuantum, mekanika statistik, dan kosmologi. Dia dianugerahi Penghargaan Nobel dalam Fisika pada tahun 1921 untuk penjelasannya tentang efek fotoelektrik dan “pengabdiannya bagi Fisika Teoretis”. Karyanya yang lain berupa gerak Brownian, efek fotolistrik, dan rumus Einstein yang paling dikenal adalah E=mc². Di artikel pertamanya di tahun 1905 bernama “On the Motion-Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat-of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid“, mencakup penelitian tentang gerakan Brownian. Menggunakan teori kinetik cairan yang pada saat itu kontroversial, dia menetapkan bahwa fenomena, yang masih kurang penjelasan yang memuaskan setelah beberapa dekade setelah ia pertama kali diamati, memberikan bukti empirik (atas dasar pengamatan dan eksperimen) kenyataan pada atom. Dan juga meminjamkan keyakinan pada mekanika statistika, yang pada saat itu juga kontroversial.

Pada zaman ini juga melihat integrasi fisika dan kimia, pada zaman ini disebut dengan “Sains Besar”. Linus Pauling (1953) mengarang sebuah buku yang berjudul The Nature of Chemical Bond menggunakan prinsip-prinsip mekanika kuantum. Kemudian, karya Pauling memuncak dalam pemodelan fisik DNA, “rahasia kehidupan”. Pada tahun ini juga James D. Watson, Francis Crick dan Rosalind Franklin menjelaskan struktur dasar DNA, bahan genetik untuk mengungkapkan kehidupan dalam segala bentuknya. Hal ini memicu rekayasa genetika yang dimulai tahun 1990 untuk memetakan seluruh manusia genom (dalam Human Genome Project) dan telah disebut-sebut sebagai berpotensi memiliki manfaat medis yang besar.

Pada tahun yang sama, percobaan Miller-Urey dibuktikan dalam sebuah simulasi proses primordial, yang merupakan unsur dasar protein, sederhana asam amino, bisa dibangun sendiri dari molekul sederhana. Pada tahun 1925, Werner Heisenberg dan Erwin Schrödinger memformulasikan mekanika kuantum, yang menjelaskan teori kuantum sebelumnya. Kemudian ada juga pengamatan oleh Edwin Hubble pada tahun 1929 bahwa kecepatan di mana galaksi surut berkorelasi positif dengan jarak, mengarah pada pemahaman bahwa alam semesta mengembang, dan perumusan teori Big Bang oleh Georges Lemaitre. Pengembangan bom atom di era “Sains Besar” selanjutnya terjadi selama Perang Dunia II, yang mengarah ke aplikasi praktis dari radar dan pengembangan dan penggunaan bom atom. Meskipun proses itu dimulai dengan penemuan siklotron oleh Ernest O. Lawrence di tahun 1930-an. Di bidang Geologi yang paling fenomenal adalah teori “pergeseran benua” oleh Alfred Wegener. Teori “Lempeng Tektonik” itu sudah digagas pada tahun 1910-an, data dikumpulkan pada 1950 sampai 1960-an, kemudian diakui dan digunakan pada tahun 1970.

Selain kimia dan fisika, teknologi komunikasi dan informasi berkembang pesat pada zaman ini. Sebut saja beberapa penemuan yang dilansir oleh sebagai penemuan yang merubah warna dunia, yaitu: Listrik, Elektronika (transistor dan IC), Robotika (mesin produksi dan mesin pertanian), TV dan Radio, Teknologi Nuklir, Mesin Transportasi, Komputer, Internet, Pesawat Terbang, Telepon dan Seluler, Rekayasa Pertanian dan DNA, Perminyakan, Teknologi Luar Angkasa, AC dan Kulkas, Rekayasa Material, Teknologi Kesehatan (laser, IR, USG), Fiber Optic, dan Fotografi (kamera, video). Kini, penemuan terbaru di bidang Teknologi telah muncul kembali. Tempo (Rabu, 07 Mei 2008) dan sumber lain telah memberitakan penemuan “Memristor”. Ini merupakan penemuan Leon Chua, profesor teknik elektro dan ilmu komputer di University of California Berkeley. Keberhasilan itu menghidupkan kembali mimpi untuk bisa mengembangkan sistem-sistem elektronik dengan efisiensi energi yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada saat ini. Caranya, memori yang bisa mempertahankan informasi bahkan ketika power-nya mati, sehingga tidak perlu ada jeda waktu untuk komputer untuk boot up, misalnya, ketika dinyalakan kembali dari kondisi mati. Hal ini digambarkan seperti menyala-mematikan lampu listrik, ke depan komputer juga seperti itu (bisa dihidup-matikan dengan sangat mudah dan cepat).

Perkembangan IT


Information Technology is a technology used to process data, including processing, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in different ways to generate quality information, information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal purposes, education, business , and administration and is a strategic information for decision making. Roles that can be provided by the application of information technology and communications technology is to get information for your personal life such as information about health, hobbies, recreation, and spiritual. Development of information and communications technology spurred a new way of life, from beginning to end of life, this life is known as e-life, meaning life has been influenced by a variety of needs electronically. And now it is overflowing with a variety of letters that begin with the prefix e-like e-commerce, e-government, e-education, e-library, e-journal, e-medicine, e-laboratory, e-biodiversitiy, and others again based electronics.

Rector of Bandung Institute of Technology Akhmaloka said Indonesia should not be passive consumers who just follow the development of information technology (IT). In his speech at the seminar “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Indonesia 2012” in the West Hall, ITB on Wednesday, said Indonesia also Akhmaloka must participate in determining the direction of IT development is rapidly increasing. “Do not just every month change-change ‘mobile’, but must participate to direct the development of the technology,” he said.

If Indonesia is only a passive consumer, he added, it will oscillate in the development of increasingly advanced IT and finally could not take advantage of these technological developments. “Do not just take the technology that just confused,” he said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Communications and Information Tifatul Sembiring in his speech expressed his hope that the inauguration of the seminar universities such as ITB and other universities also can develop into a research institute that produces high-tech products.

And what role student / student of IT development in Indonesia?

IT developments in Indonesia is increasingly advanced and sophisticated, but in the process of development, there are many challenges faced by IT people. With that information technology can significantly improve performance and enable a variety of activities can be performed quickly, precisely and accurately, thus increasing productivity. Information Technology or other businesses that supported the implementation of Information Technology for the present and the future still get special attention from the government, because bersifatnya strategic for the development of the nation of Indonesia. Two important aspects of business development related to the Information Technology infrastructure and Human Resources (HR). In addition to these two aspects are, in fact there are many other aspects such as education, finance and so on. However, poor infrastructure and scarcity of human resources professionals in this field is the cause of slow development and Information Technology business in Indonesia.

Various challenges faced in facilitating and further enhance the existing IT. Some of the challenges to be faced, namely;

Produce a range of information technology products, especially software, as a product of domestic industry Indonesia

Leveraging IT to solve problems Indonesia is the country’s strategic

Indonesia information technology development is strongly influenced by human resource capacity in the understanding of information technology components, such as hardware and computer software; network systems and telecommunications systems that will be used to transfer data. The need for information technology-based energy is still increasing; this can be seen with many types of jobs that require skills in information technology in various fields; also enabled the number of HR professionals with both in the field of information technology is still small, when compared with the population of Indonesia . improving the quality of human resource professional, a good infrastructure in place is a necessary condition for achieving the level of success and success in the future.

Information technology plays a role in many areas including:

Education (e-education).

Globalization has sparked a trend shift in education from a conventional face to face education toward a more open education (M. Mukhopadhyay, 1995). As an example we look at the French project “Flexible Learning ‿. This is reminiscent of Ivan Illich forecast early 70’s on “Education without schools (Deschooling Socieiy)” extreme teacher who is no longer needed.

Bishop G. (1989) predicted that the future of education will be flexible (flexible), open and accessible to anyone who needs irrespective of the type of factors, age, and previous educational experience.

Can be concluded that with the influence of globalization, the future of education will be more open and two-way, diverse, multidisciplinary, and related to the productivity of labor “was also ‿ and competitive.

The trend of education in Indonesia in the future are:

– The development of open education with distance learning mode (Distance Learning). Ease to conduct open and distance education should be included as a key strategy.

– Sharing resources among institutions with education / training in a network

– Library and other educational instruments (teachers, laboratory) changed into the source of information rather than a bookshelf.

– The use of interactive information technology devices, such as CD-ROM Multimedia in education is gradually replacing TV and Video.

With the development of information technology in education, so when it is already possible to place a distance learning using the internet media to connect between students and teachers, see the online students, financial checks, view class schedules, send the tasks assigned faculty and so on, all it has to do.

In the Government Sector (e-government).

E-government refers to the use of information technology by government, such as using the intranet and the internet, which has the ability to connect the needs of the population, business and other activities. Could be a business transaction process between the public and government through automation and networking systems, more commonly known as the world wide web. At its core e-government is the use of information technology can improve the relationship between government and other parties. use of information technology is then produced new forms of relationships such as: G2C (Governmet to Citizen), G2B (Government to Business) and G2G (Government to Government).

Benefits of e-government that can be felt include:

(1) service better service to the community. Information may be provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without waiting for the opening of the office. Information can be sought from the office, home, without having to physically come to the office of government.

(2) Improved relations between government, business, and the general public. Openness (transparency), the expected relationship between the various parties would be better. This openness eliminates the mutual suspicion and resentment from all sides.

(3) community empowerment through information that is readily available. Given sufficient information, the public will learn to be able to make their choice. For example, data about the school: the number of classes, student capacity, passing grade, and so forth, can be displayed online and used by parents to choose the right school for their children.

(4) Implementation of a more efficient government. For example, coordination of government can be done via e-mail or even video conferencing. For Indonesia, a vast area is very large, this is very helpful. Frequently asked questions, coordination, discussion between local leaders can do without all must be on the same physical location. No longer any need to fly to Jakarta for a meeting that lasted only one or two hours.

Finance and Banking

When this has been a lot of economic actors, especially in big cities that no longer use cash in payment transactions, but have taken advantage of modern banking services.

Modern banking services that exist only in big cities is understandable because the current economic growth is still concentrated in large cities only, which causes the velocity of money is also concentrated in large cities. So that the banking sector was rather slow in its expansion into the regions. This is somewhat due to the current condition of infrastructure in addition to the geographical aspects of Indonesia’s unique and extensive.

To support the operational success of a financial institution / bank as a bank, it is definitely needed a reliable information system that can be easily accessed by customers, which in turn will depend on information technology online, for example, a customer can withdraw the money wherever it is located as long as ATM of any bank service, or a customer can check balances and transfer money to another account in just minutes, all transactions can be done.

Technology and telecommunications infrastructure development in Indonesia will greatly assist the development of this industry in the financial sector, such as expanding the scope of business by opening branches in the area, as well as exchange of information among insurance companies, brokerage, banking industry, as well as other financial institutions.

Banking and financial institutions have been strongly influenced by product development in information technology, even they can not operate anymore without information technology. This sector requires the development of products in information technology to deliver their services to their customers.

Indonesia information technology development is strongly influenced by human resource capacity in the understanding of information technology components, such as hardware and computer software; network system either LAN or WAN and telecommunications systems that will be used to transfer data. The need for information technology-based energy is still increasing; this can be seen with many types of jobs that require skills in information technology in various fields; also the number of capable human resources in information technology is still small, when compared with the population of Indonesia.


Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) adalah Perguruan Tinggi swasta di Kota Malang. Universitas yang berdiri pada tahun 1964 ini berinduk pada Organisasi Muhammadiyah.

Pada sekarang ini Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang menempati 3 lokasi kampus, yaitu kampus I di jalan bendungan bandung, kampus dua di sumbersari dan kampus tiga di tegal gondo. Kampus satu yang merupakan cikal bakal UMM, dan sekarang ini dikonsentrasikan untuk program pasca sarjana. Sedangkan kampus II yang dulu merupakan pusat kegiatan utama , sekarang di konsentrasikan sebagai kampus fakultas kedokteran dan program D3 akademi perawat. Sedangkan kampus III sebagai kampus terpadu dijadikan sebagai pusat dari seluruh aktivitas.


Pada awal berdiri, UMM baru membuka beberapa fakultas, yaitu fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Hukum, Ekonomi dan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) serta jurusan Ilmu Agama (Cabang dari FAI Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta). Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan tuntutan zaman, maka UMM telah membuka fakultas-fakultas lain, yaitu Fakultas Teknik, Fakultas Pertanian, Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan, Fakultas Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan terdiri dari D3 dan S1 Keperawatan, Farmasi serta Program Pasca Sarjana yang masing-masing mengembang beberapa jurusan.

Program Diploma 3 (D3)

Terdiri dari 3 Program Diploma, antara lain:

  • Program D-3 Keperawatan
  • Program D-3 Elektronika
  • Program D-3 Keuangan dan Perbankan

Program Sarjana (S1)

Terdiri dari 10 Program Sarjana, antara lain:

  • Fakultas Agama Islam
  • Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
  • Fakultas Ekonomi
  • Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
  • Fakultas Teknik
  • Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan
  • Fakultas Psikologi
  • Fakultas Hukum
  • Fakultas Kedokteran
  • Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan

Program Magister (S2)

Terdiri dari 7 Program Magister, antara lain:

  • Magister Manajemen
  • Magister Agama Islam
  • Magister Hukum
  • Magister Kebijakan Pendidikan
  • Magister Psikologi
  • Magister Sosiologi
  • Magister Agribisnis

Program Doktoral (S3)

Terdiri dari 1 Program Doktoral, antara lain:

  • Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik


Saat ini UMM mendidik tidak kurang dari 45.900 mahasiswa dari seluruh penjuru tanah air, mulai dari NAD hingga Papua. Jumlah tersebut termasuk mahasiswa luar negeri, yaitu dari Malaysia, Singapura, Brunai Darussalam, Australia dan Timor Leste. Mereka mempunyai latar belakang umur, budaya, suku ras, agama, kondisi sosial dan asal SLTA yang berada. Sehingga, menampak gerbang UMM ibarat masuk ke dalam “Dunia Mini” tempat berinteraksi antar individu dan komunitas yang beragam latar belakangnya.